Rock & Roll Photography

Rock & Roll Photography · 19. January 2021
To this day I have never taken a real camera to a rock & roll concert. But since I do take my phone wherever I go there's always the possibility to try at least; sometimes the results are even worse than what I accomplished with the Kodak Instamatic, but a few times I managed to take pictures that were actually quite nice. On June 9, 2019 Wilko Johnson played at the Ribs & Blues Festival in Raalte in the Eastern Netherlands. The last time I'd seen him play was in December 2013 in...
Rock & Roll Photography · 26. November 2020
This may have been early 1975 and I was still using the old Kodak Instamatic - but since I was standing a mile from the stage the results weren't anything near what I had hoped for (and more or less accomplished at the Rory Gallagher gig the year before). But although the quality of the pictures was disappointing, they do have a certain historic value - especially now, so many years later. It's good that I've taken them since they're proof that I've actually SEEN some of the greatest artists...
Rock & Roll Photography · 13. September 2020
Groningen, 1974 I think, but I'm not absolutely sure - it's SO long ago. Still the old Kodak Instamatic. My parents thought I was wasting my money taking pictures of popgroups, but in retrospective I don't really think it's been such a waste at all.
Rock & Roll Photography · 13. July 2020
Susannah's childhood attempts to become a Rock & Roll photographer part 2...
Rock & Roll Photography · 09. July 2020
Susannah's childhood attempts to be a Rock & Roll photographer...