
Photography · 24. April 2021
For the first time this year I did some posing - wasn't really in the mood, but photography has dried up a bit in recent months and this might give me some new ideas to get on with. It hasn't been very brilliant so far, but a first time never is and I had some limiting technical problems as well. I hope results will be better as it gets warmer - I'm still too much in a winter mood. Besides; I need to lose some weight. I was hoping it wouldn't be too bad this year, but once again there's this...
Photography · 02. April 2021
In the summer of 2019 I think this was. I was staying in Haarlem to look after my daughter's cats while she was on holiday, when the Levellers played at the venue around the corner. In the town where I live I hardly ever go to any gigs because of the distance and the somewhat scary neighborhood I live in, but since this was only a five minutes walk in a safe environment I bought a ticket and had a lovely evening. But once again, dragging my big Canon about just seemed too much of a bother, so...
Photography · 01. April 2021
I must have around a hundred - not really a collection, but they're not just a bunch of tools either. I picked them up over the years at fleemarkets , second hand shops and jumble sales, just because I couldn't resist them. Because of their beauty, but always with the idea in the back of my mind that some day I might actually use them to take pictures one couldn't ever possibly take with a more modern camera. I would like to spend a year of my life to a more basic sort of photography; going out...
Photography · 27. March 2021
Taking pictures with the Yashica Mat-124
Photography · 10. October 2020
The year before I'd first seen them live at a pop festival in the northern province capital of Assen, where they replaced Dave Edmunds who, I seem to remember, had suffered a nervous breakdown. Since he'd been my main reason to buy a ticket I felt disappointed at first, but as soon as this unknown band from Canvey Island, Essex, hit the stage with the opening chords of 'Going Back Home' in a vortex of feedback I was a fan for life. In the summer of 1976 they played at the Lochem pop festival. I...
Photography · 30. September 2020
A week ago already I had a lovely sunny day (the last sunny day actually so far) in Amsterdam. Hadn't been to a museum in ages, so visiting the Stedelijk Museum again was really a refreshing experience (I had to make a reservation so going there became kind of compulsory, but It's all for the greater good). I also spent some time at the Waterlooplein fleemarket looking for clothes. I found some nice ones to be used in photography - and some for every day use as well, but I wouldn't go out in...
Photography · 17. September 2020
It's only a small section of my photography - I don't particularly like christianity (or any cult or religion that originates from that sinister region), but some biblical stories can be quite inspiring - artistically that is, NOT morally. There's nothing original about the themes of course - they have all been painted thousands of times before, but originality isn't something I'm after to begin with. Some of the pictures I found too revealing to publish, so for now the whole of the biblical...