06. December 2023
Literatuur · 31. December 2022
New desk
Bought this lovely Victorian roller desk at the charity shop some time ago. It's been quite a task to get it to my tenth floor (particularly since the lift goes only as far as the ninth) and it needed a lot of work, but now it's a lovely, functional piece of beautiful furniture in my study. (Of course the Hammond Multiplex has only been put there for the picture; it looks a bit better than a laptop.
22. April 2022
Staying in this crappy apartment for as long as my own place is being 'renovated' by a corrupt housing corporation. I don't like it here, but the contrast could make it a nice addition to my photo series 'Where the Heart Is' (by the title 'And where it definitely isn't) . The big, white bed, all these empty walls and surfaces. Although it's an ugly, cold and unpleasant little place, it also gives me a chance to take pictures I can't take at home, so I'm trying to profit of it as much as I can.
ROCK & ROLL · 21. January 2022
I released a new single today - it's about meeting the love of your life at a place that that was obviously not designed for it... https://youtu.be/20I5gSDH2aA
Painting · 08. November 2021
Recycling the old facemasks...
Literatuur · 03. August 2021
DE OVERKANT VAN DE SPIEGEL - roman (309 blz.). ISNB: 9789464484274 Het Huis Terpsichore, 2021 Susannah Stracers klassieke roman over hoop, liefde en hartstocht, verwachting en vervulling, literatuur en rock & roll, ambitie, succes, mislukking en opportunisme aan het begin van de jaren tachtig. Sinds enkele weken probeert Louise Nachtegaal, tegenover zichzelf en de wereld, te bewijzen dat ze tot méér in staat is dan alleen het bespreken van andermans literaire werk in de lokale bazuin; tot...
Literatuur · 23. June 2021
ROCK & ROLL · 20. May 2021
Screenshots of me doing a video of my song 'City Witch Blues' this morning. I kept forgetting the words, and, what's worse, the video made it very clear that I'm overweight and shouldn't be on video at all looking like that. So it's going to be knäckebröt and water from now on and walk into the town and the supermarket instead of taking my bike. I hope I'll manage within a month to get the words right and look my ideal summer self again...
Photography · 24. April 2021
For the first time this year I did some posing - wasn't really in the mood, but photography has dried up a bit in recent months and this might give me some new ideas to get on with. It hasn't been very brilliant so far, but a first time never is and I had some limiting technical problems as well. I hope results will be better as it gets warmer - I'm still too much in a winter mood. Besides; I need to lose some weight. I was hoping it wouldn't be too bad this year, but once again there's this...
Painting · 10. April 2021
I picked this up outside the building - one of the neighbors probably got fed up with it, which I can understand, but I took it home anyway - not because of its artistic value but because I could use the surface - it's always nice to create something nice out of something unwanted or ugly or both. Nice idea too that the frame is already there and I only have to put it back after I've finished whatever it is going to be like. So I sanded and primed it and basically I could start painting right...

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