
Digital Excercises in R&R photography: The Levellers

In the summer of 2019 I think this was. I was staying in Haarlem  to look after my daughter's cats while she was on holiday, when the Levellers played at the  venue around the corner. In the town where I live I hardly ever go to any gigs because of the distance and the somewhat scary neighborhood I live in, but since this was only a five minutes walk in a safe environment I bought a ticket and had a lovely evening. But once again, dragging my big Canon about just seemed too much of a bother, so all I brought - once again - was my phone and since it was a no-daylight-at-all show it hardly seemed worth the trouble of trying at all to get a decent picture. Nevertheless I tried a few times  and manage to shoot two pics that weren't absolutely terrible. They're quite nice actually, but of course it could have been so much more if I had only bothered to bring a real camera. I keep telling myself that to me rock & roll photography is just fun, not work, but since work to me is just as much fun, I can't see why the fun shouldn't be considered as work as well. The least I can do is get myself a  conveniently small, high quality camera. It may be time to break with this life long habit of taking crappy cameras to r&r concerts.

   I've loved the Levellers btw. since 1995, when I saw them on tv performing at the Pink Pop festival. They look a bit older now, but the spark was still there  in Haarlem.  At least they got me all soaked that night - the last time a band made that happen was in 2013 when I saw Wilko Johnson at the Evoke in Chelmsford. I didn't bring a camera  that night, but the place was so packed that I could hardly see the stage at all, so it wasn't that much of a loss.