

I must have around a hundred - not really a collection, but they're not just  a bunch of tools either.  I picked them up over the years at fleemarkets , second hand shops and jumble sales, just because I couldn't resist them. Because of their beauty, but always with the idea in the back of my mind that some day I might actually use them to take pictures one couldn't ever possibly take with a more modern camera. 

     I would like to spend a year of my life to a more basic  sort of photography; going out into the world with nothing but an Agfa Click or Clack, call it  a project and see what the result would be.  Ot maybe a Brownie  or a simple box camera. It might add a whole new magic  to the world we're living in today. 

     I also would love to use the Kodak Instamatic from my childhood again, but I don't think they sell these cassette films any more. For the same reason I have never used any of the Polaroid cameras I own (I once bought a dozen of them at a fleemarket for hardly any money at all - around a tenner I think, but I can't remember if it was guilders or euros). And I don't think I would ever be able to use any of the wooden cameras I've got either; the chemical process to accomplish that would just be too complicated for me, although I absolutely love the idea. 

   Or I might just start using the old Yashica Mat two eye again. Haven't done that for decades either...