
Last Childhood Attempt to Become A R&R Photographer - Lou Reed

This may have been early 1975 and I was still using the old Kodak Instamatic - but since I was standing a mile from the stage the results weren't anything near what I had hoped for (and more or less accomplished at the Rory Gallagher gig the year before).  But although the quality of the pictures was disappointing, they do have a certain historic value - especially now, so many years later. It's good that I've taken them since they're proof that I've actually SEEN some of the greatest artists perform live.  I never took the Instamatic to an indoor concert again after this, which is somewhat of  a pity because I've seen Kevin Ayers, Freddie King, Country Joe McDonald, John Cale, the Soft Machine - and a few years later the Boys, the Damned, the Sex Pistols, Graham Parker & the Rumour, Johnny Thunders, the Slits, Nick Cave, the Cramps and many more. If only I'd had a proper camera at the time, but I'd just given up on the idea of accomplishing anything worthwhile in photography, and only picked it up again when a dear departed friend left me her superior (though quite heavy) Nikormat, but that only happened in 1992, more than 15 years later.