
Childhood Attempts to become a Rock & Roll Photographer part 1

It has always seemed to be my destiny to take pictures at gigs with a crappy camera. In my teens all I had at my disposal was a Kodak Instamatic that belonged to my father – a somewhat limited tool to serve my ambitions, but I tried to make the best of it and even managed to take pictures with it that weren't too bad at all. Of course technically they were far from perfect, but at least one can tell - even now, so many years later – that I meant well.

Here are some photos I made in my early teens at the very first pop concerts I ever was allowed to attend – all in the northern Netherlands where I was born and spent my childhood – of a Dutch band called the Golden Earrings and Uriah Heep, a hardrock band from England I later lost interest in, but that I liked because they weren't just hard but quite melodious as well.